Ever wonder what the global financial services ecosystem spends on technology? I have - obsessively. The size and shifts of this market – and the tapestry of moving parts within it – is extremely valuable intelligence for all players in the FSI ecosystem. Moreover, with the intense focus in recent years on topics like “XaaS”, clouds, solid state memory, Hadoop clusters and so many other symbols of fintech innovation it is abundantly clear that this is the one puzzle that needs to be solved. Problem is: crossing the bridge from here to there while keeping a credible process intact is sufficiently complicated to dissuade most sane contenders from attempting the feat. Of course, that is unless you are someone who thrives on solving insanely complex puzzles that defy common temperaments. Simply put: It all starts by following the money, which by the way is also a decent proxy for following the data. My Uncle Lewis was a stockbroker in Detroit for most of his 89 years. He was the kind of [...]