Simplex Trading: Speed Bump? What Speed Bump?!
Alphacution assembles new evidence related to option market maker, Simplex Trading
Alphacution assembles new evidence related to option market maker, Simplex Trading
Alphacution showcases a subtle yet important impact of the explosive zero days to expiration (0DTE) phenomenon in US equity option markets...
Alphacution presents new perspectives on US retail investor behavior in equity options...
With the latest data in hand, Alphacution follows up on Virtu's claim of "another record year in options market making in 2022."
Virtu's "record year in options market making" claim is not possible in terms by which real option market makers operate...
Alphacution drops a few bars and a few charts framing IMC Financial Market's significant achievement in option wholesaling...
With the latest data in hand, Alphacution updates its analysis of troubled option wholesaler, Simplex Trading...
Guest Post: Derivatives specialist, Don Dale, offers a thoughtful case for why the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) is not broken, despite punditry claims to the contrary. Two pearls of wisdom, up front: 1) Pundits like to complain; and, 2) Be careful what you wish for!
Hockey stick! Prior to 2020, proprietary trading firm and market maker, GTS Securities, made a series of strategic acquisitions. Here's an overview of what's happened since...
There are two causes of the "giant sucking sound" that you hear - and need to pay attention to for the year ahead. The first is painfully obvious; the second should be (painfully obvious), but likely isn't. Alphacution makes its case...