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The Mother of All PFOF Charts – Q3 2022 Edition, Part II

Part II - Equity PFOF Volumes / Wholesaler Market Shares: Alphacution organizes and distills 33 months of payment for order flow (PFOF) data from 14 retail brokers and 13 wholesale market makers to place a wide-angle frame around the US Securities and Exchange Commission's upcoming proposals for a major equities market structure overhaul...

By |December 14th, 2022|For Subscribers|

Wanted: A White Knight In Cryptoland

The dramatic implosion of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried's crypto empire is a huge and very fast moving story - with new revelations, about the details leading up to SBF's collapse and the contagion risks embedded in crypto markets as a result of that collapse, surfacing by the hour. Here, Alphacution assimilates a sample of the most thoughtful commentary on the current crypto saga as backdrop for its list of proprietary trading firms who represent possible "white knights"...

By |November 21st, 2022|For Subscribers|