Ranking Strategy Speed for Top Quants, Market Makers
"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." - John Muir, Mountaineer It's one thing to build models and share insights about specific players in the trading and asset management universe. It's an entirely different thing to perform comparative analysis of that specific modeling to develop various rankings of a community of players. This latter point is precisely where the accumulation of Alphacution's modeling and research is now taking us, and that new level of insight is, frankly, a bit mindblowing. Our previous Feed post that illuminated an apparent anomaly with Jane Street's stock selection strategy was one of our first examples. For this one, we look at a ranking of average stock positions by shares for a selection of leading quant hedge fund managers, market makers and proprietary trading firms. Now, what's truly fascinating here is if you consider these players in order of average stock position (by shares) you realize that what you are simultaneously looking at [...]