Guest Post: In the Shadow of Concentrated Pain to Come
Guest contributor and option trading specialist, Don Dale, makes a case that the current historical level of US equity market concentration represents a structurally and economically advantageous time to act with derivatives...
Size Matters? Retail Option Order Analysis
Alphacution adds new perspective to its retail option order flow analysis; develops model to estimate retail option order size (in contracts) by order type and broker. Bottom line: "Frictionless" trading caused total retail option orders to maintain a level that is at least triple that of late 2019...
Global Asset Manager Rankings by US Equities, Part I
As of December 2023, there were ~7,200 asset managers who filed 13F reports. In collaboration with its development affiliates, Alphacution publishes its first exhibit to illustrate a ranking of this global asset manager universe by the value of their US equity holdings. To commemorate this development - and refresh those who may be new to Alphacution - we include a brief summary of key research milestones that led to this 'leveling up'...
Global Asset Manager Rankings by US Equities, Part I
As of December 2023, there were ~7,200 asset managers who filed 13F reports. In collaboration with its development affiliates, Alphacution publishes its first exhibit to illustrate a ranking of this global asset manager universe by the value of their US equity holdings. To commemorate this development - and refresh those who may be new to Alphacution - we include a brief summary of key research milestones that led to this 'leveling up'... Access to global asset manager universe ranking chart available to Silver and Premium subscribers only. Upgrade to a Silver subscription to access this and other valuable Alphacution research...
Retail Option Market Share, Q1 2024 w Tradier, eToro
Alphacution provides its Q1 2024 update on the retail customer share of US equity option volume - including new data from Tradier, eToro, and - along with a teaser for our comparative model on option DARTs by broker... Early Post-Option Launch Stats, And Other Tasty Treats…
As promised, Alphacution provides an analysis of's first official months after the launch of its option offering to customers, along with a comparison of critical stats with other retail brokers. As a bonus, this Feed post also found its way into a deep dive on average option PFOF rates by broker, with specific findings on Tastytrade...
More Fun With Robinhood: Mea Culpas
Alphacution falls on its sword to admit errors in attribution of equity index option activity to Robinhood - and offers an explanation for why occasional mistakes like these are a necessary evil of our research process...
Citadel Securities, SIG: An Analysis of Single-Security vs Index Option Allocations
Alphacution compares the two largest players in US equity options - SIG affiliate, Susquehanna Securities and Citadel Securities - based on a 10-year period of allocations to single security options (SSOs) and equity index options, including indications of scale variance, key factor preferences, and strategy shifts...
More Fun With Robinhood: The Value of Accidental Data
By a quirk of accidental data, Alphacution dramatically sharpens its estimate of Robinhood's engagement with index options since May 2021; an update that has implications for our overall estimate of retail engagement in index options...
Susquehanna Securities and the Hidden Arbitrage Strategy – Part III
In this Part III, Alphacution concludes its multi-part analysis of Susquehanna Securities' so-called "arbitrage strategy" by sharing some revealing - if not, conclusive - comparisons...