
Alphacution News: Hedge Fund Alert Showcases Alphacution

"Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." - Leonardo da Vinci A quick shout out to Howard Kapiloff for assembling the piece on Alphacution that went out today in the latest edition of Hedge Fund Alert. Thankfully, those who operate closest to the sources of liquidity know this work well. But, those who operate at some distance from the sources of liquidity and still realize that the impacts we are quantifying and illustrating here are relevant to them speaks volumes about their eye for something new that might matter. Thanks for paying attention... Here's the article, and more can be found here: Support the Feed! Individual Subscription Options Annual Subscription : $275.00 USD - yearly Monthly Subscription : $25.00 USD - monthly Note: Business credit cards and bank accounts can be used via our PayPal payment portal. Alphacution is in the intelligence business. For those of you who are eager to derive greater value from this work and apply that intelligence to your own business interests, [...]

By |2020-12-03T21:22:39-05:00October 16th, 2019|News|

Thomas Murray Covers Alphacution: Measuring the FinTech Payback

Originally published on the Thomas Murray website on August 20, 2018 Conversation with Paul Rowady, Director of Research, Alphacution Research Conservatory What is Alphacution? Alphacution is the first digitally-oriented research and strategic advisory platform focused on developing a centralized "market intelligence asset" by modeling, measuring, and benchmarking technology spending patterns, and the operational impacts of those investment decisions. The Alphacution platform is specifically designed to deliver an empirical and quantitatively-backed perspective on the effect of financial services industry spending for an institutional client network. This mission starts by modeling individual companies - banks, asset managers, hedge funds, solution providers, and others - using publicly available data. Our model library currently consists of more than 250 such companies. From there, sector composite models - like global banking, IT services, and asset management - are developed by aggregating individual models. Ultimately, sector composite models come together to represent the full view of the largest parts of the financial services industry. Where data on technology spending and other operational dynamics are not available, [...]

By |2020-12-03T21:24:28-05:00September 4th, 2018|News|

Aite Group Publishes Alphacution’s Asset Manager Tech Spend Study (Press Release)

< Originally published by Aite Group > According to Aite Group’s data and analytics partner, Alphacution, technical and human capital leverage benchmarks can be developed to represent a framework with numerous practical applications for all asset managers. Boston, April 25, 2018 — Understanding patterns in firms’ technology consumption offers unique insights into shifts in both business strategy and operational efficiencies. But the main challenge in discovering technology consumption for the asset management universe is that these firms are mostly private, if not highly secretive; therefore, accessing the right data presents some challenges. Alphacution’s latest report, Estimating Asset Manager Technology Spending: The Context Machine, examines what asset managers are spending on technology and the relation that those consumption patterns have with the scaling of headcount, assets under management (AUM), and strategy selection. “Alphacution believes that this research is a dramatic first step toward extending its techno-operational benchmarking framework to the global asset management universe,” explains Paul Rowady, director of research for Alphacution. “How strong the empirical context is from this initial data set—and the [...]

By |2020-12-03T21:26:12-05:00April 25th, 2018|News|

Feed Your Cognitive Taste Buds: Collaboration Will Expedite Validation

As you gorge yourself on the latest curated fire hose of content today, this post may waft onto your cognitive taste buds like a shameless plug. Fine. Like a herd of squirrels, here comes the next and the next and the next tweet anyways, just right for your canine attention span. It's all good, and no hard feelings. We will aspire to catch you with the next tidbit or on a different modality... But for those of you who care to pause and consider the deeper value here  - I offer this reminder and some inside baseball for your own creative purposes: In parallel with the mission to deliver uncommon and data-driven intelligence for the financial services (FSI) ecosystem, Alphacution was also founded to eat at its own kitchen - which is a practice that we have discovered over many years is rarely the case with research and advisory platforms. (By the way, not pointing any fingers - its not necessarily anyone's fault. Convention is a gravitational bitch.) Translation: If [...]

By |2020-12-03T21:27:35-05:00October 14th, 2016|News|

Thomson Reuters publishes “Quantifying the Transformation”

Everything takes longer than you initially think it will. Never a truer statement made, particularly when it comes to the following: Negotiated, commissioned and subsequently developed  - and then re-vamped - for completion on an expedited timeline last spring (2016), our first annual deep-dive study into technology spending patterns among the largest global banks was only recently published by client-partner Thomson Reuters. We have referenced this work and output regularly over the past several months, but there is something special about having a partner bring it to light. We are grateful to finally put this corner-stone credential in place. Access Thomson Reuter's "chapterized" version here or the entire document here:  Enjoy.  There is much more of this output - and key developments surrounding that output - on the way soon...

By |2020-12-03T21:29:03-05:00October 3rd, 2016|News|

#Launchpad: Introducing the New Alphacution Website and Content

Our team has largely been on hiatus for the past couple months developing several new assets, including most notably our new Alphacution "content storage, distribution and promotion application" - er - website, and a bunch of new content to go in it which begins to showcase our research methodologies and initial modeling output. For the attention-deficit crowd (and those who are not already reading this on the site), you can skip the following shout-outs and contextual comments by hopping to now. In addition to our Feed section (for commentaries, videos, press coverage and company news), you will find a lot of "freemium" content accessible in the Open Exhibits Library and the Document Library. A short - and FREE - registration process will open access to those components and add your details to our newsletter distribution list. Please don't skip that part - and for extra credit, send us your feedback ( no matter the temperature... For the rest of you, here's some of the context behind these latest developments: [...]

By |2020-12-03T21:30:50-05:00July 19th, 2016|News|