Tower Research Capital: Keeping It Real…Tiny
“I can do this all day.” —Steve Rogers In honor of the big Avengers Endgame opening last week, I thought to pay a little tribute to Ant Man and the Wasp for this one... Like many of the trading firms we have been focusing on recently, Tower Research Capital (TRC) has a market making unit - Latour Trading - and a proprietary trading unit - Tower Research Capital Investments (TRCI), both of which are based on high-performance technologies, quantitative methods and extreme levels of workflow automation. (BTW, if you read the Citadel Securities case study summary then you might already be hip to what we are calling a nested alpha architecture. If not, no worries. We will be highly redundant about it.) Perhaps because we have been focused on some of the biggest market makers, prop firms and hedge funds in and around our structural alpha zone - plus knowing that TRC boasts a global headcount of roughly 900 folks - we were expecting to find something else in their [...]