Jim Simons, Godfather of the Quants: Hiding in Plain Sight
"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice." - Steve Jobs "There is no real substitute for common sense - except for good luck, which is a great substitute for everything." - James Harris Simons It was the late 90's, a time when the moniker of "Godfather of the Quants" may have still been open for debate. Edward Thorpe, of Princeton / Newport Partners and among the first mathematicians to study patterns in financial markets, was still active. And, the protagonists for the fascinating tale about beating a Vegas roulette wheel with custom made computers embedded in their shoes (and told in the book, the Eudaemonic Pie), Doyne Farmer and Norman Packard, were still active at the Prediction Company, a unit of UBS O'Connor (which, BTW, was later sold to Millennium in 2013 and ultimately shut down in 2018 with a 27-year stat arb strategy track record including only one down year). And yet, today, the legacy that seems to remain the strongest is that of [...]