Anatomy of a Zero-Sum Game
At the end of the day, how much risk is actually in US equity options? Alphacution distills and presents some never-seen-before numbers from an unprecedented era of this zero-sum game...
At the end of the day, how much risk is actually in US equity options? Alphacution distills and presents some never-seen-before numbers from an unprecedented era of this zero-sum game...
Product selection is like the DNA of a trading strategy...
In anticipation of growth in (renewed) interest in cryptocurrencies, Alphacution updates some of its analysis of crypto exchange, Coinbase, as a way to monitor the progress of the thawing after Crypto Winter...
Alphacution expands on the introduction of its Strategy Factor Library with a deeper dive into its method for estimating the potential universe of short stock and short ETF securities as a component of the core trading strategy for a large group of option market makers...
Alphacution goes wider and deeper than ever before - as part of the research for our unexpectedly exhaustive case study on US equity option markets and option market makers - to compare trading entities based on at least 84 strategy factors from the simplest factors - like securities universe or number of positions by product class - to some of the most sophisticated comparisons that Alphacution has ever attempted. In this Feed post, we publish this list - the first version of our Strategy Factor Library - as well as a ranking of 19 option market making entities by our "shorts universe" factor...
Alphacution goes wider and deeper than ever before - as part of the research for our unexpectedly exhaustive case study on US equity option markets and option market makers - to compare trading entities based on at least 84 strategy factors from the simplest factors - like securities universe or number of positions by product class - to some of the most sophisticated comparisons that Alphacution has ever attempted. In this Feed post, we publish this list - the first version of our Strategy Factor Library...
Alphacution begins to present its unique - and visually quantitative - perspective on the extreme level of concentration in the US equity derivatives market...
Alphacution begins to present its unique - and visually quantitative - perspective on the extreme level of concentration in the US equity derivatives market...
Alphacution adds new perspective to its retail option order flow analysis; develops model to estimate retail option order size (in contracts) by order type and broker. Bottom line: "Frictionless" trading caused total retail option orders to maintain a level that is at least triple that of late 2019...
As of December 2023, there were ~7,200 asset managers who filed 13F reports. In collaboration with its development affiliates, Alphacution publishes its first exhibit to illustrate a ranking of this global asset manager universe by the value of their US equity holdings. To commemorate this development - and refresh those who may be new to Alphacution - we include a brief summary of key research milestones that led to this 'leveling up'...