
About Paul Rowady

Paul Rowady is the Director of Research for Alphacution Research Conservatory, a research and strategic advisory platform uniquely focused on modeling and benchmarking the impacts of technology on global financial markets and the businesses of trading, asset management and banking. He is a 30-year veteran of the proprietary, quantitative and derivatives trading arenas. Contact:; Follow: @alphacution.

The Crypto Train: Citadel Securities Succumbs to FOMO

A first-of-its-kind outside investment from Silicon Valley venture heavyweights into Citadel Securities is a significant event, particularly for possible future competitors in crypto markets. But, the transaction itself didn't need to be exposed. So, why was it? Was this news or strategic communications? Alphacution weighs in...

By |2022-01-13T02:21:42-05:00January 12th, 2022|For Subscribers|

Alphacution Publishes “Simplex Trading, Unadjusted”

In this 67-page, 64-exhibit chart book, “Simplex Trading, Unadjusted,” Alphacution borrows the spotlight from the record-setting volumes in the US options market for 2021 and focuses it in on one of the key – yet, relatively little known – players in the space: option market maker, Simplex Trading, LLC. Taking some of its recent modeling upgrades for an initial spin, Alphacution performs its unique brand of visual display on public regulatory data to present what is likely to be an unprecedented review of such a secretive player operating in such a complex arena like Simplex.

By |2022-01-04T23:09:08-05:00December 31st, 2021|For Subscribers|