
About Paul Rowady

Paul Rowady is the Director of Research for Alphacution Research Conservatory, a research and strategic advisory platform uniquely focused on modeling and benchmarking the impacts of technology on global financial markets and the businesses of trading, asset management and banking. He is a 30-year veteran of the proprietary, quantitative and derivatives trading arenas. Contact:; Follow: @alphacution.

Alphacution Publishes “The Chicago Trading Company” Case Study

In this 71-page, 69-exhibit chart book, “The Chicago Trading Company,” Alphacution continues its focus on the explosion of activity in US option markets with a deep dive into another leading option trading firm, CTC, LLC. In this report, Alphacution leverages evolving modeling capabilities to explore its first example of a proprietary trading firm with core concentration in index options along with the peripheral suite of cash, futures and other option products used to capture volatility arbitrage opportunities. Furthermore, this research sets the stage to potentially identify (and rank) other large index option players with similar strategies where the regulatory data is not specifically disclosing exposures to index options. The complete chart book is available to premium subscribers or via individual document purchase.

By |2022-04-12T15:11:44-04:00March 31st, 2022|For Subscribers|

Alphacution Press: Bloomberg on Citadel Securities’ Record 2021 Windfall

"The key to our business, it's a lot of research."Kenneth C. Griffin On March 15, 2022, Bloomberg publishes Katherine Doherty's sweeping - and, in many ways, unprecedented - article "Citadel Securities Opens Up After Record $7 Billion Windfall" based on several (some for the first time) interviews with top Citadel Securities executives, including Peng Zhao (CEO), Matt Culek (COO), Joe Mecane (Head of Execution Services), and Jamil Nazarali (Head of Business Development). Alphacution provided data, a quote, and contextual background for the article... This article is also printed in the March 21 edition of Bloomberg Businessweek...

By |2022-03-16T16:18:20-04:00March 16th, 2022|Press|