process re-engineering

Paralysis by Analysis for Digital Disruption – Numerix Video Blog Series

In this FIRST of a five-part video blog series Jim Jockle, CMO of Numerix sits down with Paul Rowady, Director of Research at Alphacution to discuss the recent FinTech Revolution. They discuss how firms are gearing themselves towards a digital culture, and how companies are working to distinguish themselves in this new age. The five videos cover the following: Part 1: Paralysis by Analysis: Preparation & Analyzation for Digital Disruption Part 2: IT Outsourcing and Transformation Part 3: Revolutionizing Fintech: Looking into the world of Data Automation Part 4: Technological Implications of Cultural Transformation Part 5: Digital Noise in the Fintech Space Jim Jockle (Host): Hi, welcome to Numerix video blog, I'm your host Jim Jockle. Joining me today is Director of Research at Alphacution, Paul Rowady. Paul, thanks for joining us again. Paul Rowady (Guest): Great to be here, Jim. Jockle:  So, want to talk again a little bit more about the Fintech Revolution and digital disruption trend that so much is being discussed on. But I think we [...]

By |2020-10-14T21:54:28-04:00December 2nd, 2016|Video|

Back to the Front: Post-Trade Processing Getting Sexy-er

If you happen to hear the drumbeat of these things called "operational analytics" getting louder, then you just may be dialed in to the subtle downstream impacts of some of today's most common headlines related to financial enterprise transformation. For instance, the fintech revolution we are living through - with all its new-fangled and often overly-hyped gadgetry - is really about harnessing the opportunity for unprecedented process efficiencies. But, while it is a soothing distraction to daydream about deploying new digital tools during the ongoing regulatory hurricane, the economic impact that they will have on the FSI landscape is barely going to move the needle anytime soon. Of course, there are exceptions to this broad brush stroke: The impact of evolving IT infrastructure solutions from Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) to software defined networks (SDNs) to any number of other high-performance compute and storage tools are already sufficiently mature to be making a major impact on architectures and technology buying patterns. A similar statement could be made about open source big data tools such [...]

By |2020-10-05T21:08:22-04:00September 14th, 2016|Open|

#DigitalDisruption: Process Replacement vs. Process Re-engineering

Behold! The first Alphacution video, with our good friend Jim Jockle, Chief Marketing Officer, Numerix. Before you move on to the video, I wanted to add a few comments: In this segment, I emphasize that one of the key challenges faced by large financial organizations - primarily thinking of the largest global banks, since this has been where we have focused much of our analysis and modeling of late - is process refinement or process re-engineering; that the innovation that these banks are most challenged with is more process oriented. The point here is in response to the first question of the following video: Digital Transformation needs to be clearly distinguished from typical, run-of-the-mill change management. Digital transformation involves radical change. Digital transformation is NOT about process refinement, process re-engineering, or a common change management exercise. Digital transformation involves process replacement.

By |2020-10-14T21:58:06-04:00March 8th, 2016|Open|


Though you may have fully gorged yourself on tales of latency over the past few years, I’m here to tell you that that overall story is far from over. Reason being, there is more than one form of latency – and the value (or cost – depending on your perspective) of at least one of the other types of latency will make the first narrative – the super-sexy knocking-on-the-door-of-the-speed-of-light version – seem like the Leda moon orbiting Jupiter. This is where human latency enters the vernacular. From where I sit – and though the nuances can be hotly debated beyond this short essay - there are actually three primary forms of latency - and a couple hybrid versions of those. These primary forms include “network / proximity latency”, “compute latency”, and “collaboration latency”. (Of course, the technology arms race of the past decade dealt almost exclusively with minimizing network / proximity latency.) Each of these general forms is a mix of native technical and human latencies, as follows (see Exhibit 1): With this rudimentary [...]

By |2020-10-05T21:03:14-04:00October 22nd, 2015|Open|