Silver / Premium

Introducing Alphacution’s Strategy Factor Library

Alphacution goes wider and deeper than ever before - as part of the research for our unexpectedly exhaustive case study on US equity option markets and option market makers - to compare trading entities based on at least 84 strategy factors from the simplest factors - like securities universe or number of positions by product class - to some of the most sophisticated comparisons that Alphacution has ever attempted. In this Feed post, we publish this list - the first version of our Strategy Factor Library - as well as a ranking of 19 option market making entities by our "shorts universe" factor...

By |2024-07-01T23:53:19-04:00June 28th, 2024|Silver / Premium|

Global Asset Manager Rankings by US Equities, Part I

As of December 2023, there were ~7,200 asset managers who filed 13F reports. In collaboration with its development affiliates, Alphacution publishes its first exhibit to illustrate a ranking of this global asset manager universe by the value of their US equity holdings. To commemorate this development - and refresh those who may be new to Alphacution - we include a brief summary of key research milestones that led to this 'leveling up'...

By |2024-05-31T00:29:07-04:00May 30th, 2024|Silver / Premium|

Susquehanna Securities and the Hidden Arbitrage Strategy – Part II

In this Feed post, Alphacution updates an analysis of Susquehanna Securities - the primary risk-warehousing affiliate of legendary options powerhouse, Susquehanna International Group (SIG) and the place where the largest piece of SIG's global market making operation resides - originally published in Dec 2020. Now, more than 3 years later, Alphacution adds significant new color to that analysis - including 12 charts - and sets the stage for a much more nuanced understanding of the broader group of option market makers...

By |2024-04-08T20:14:58-04:00April 5th, 2024|Silver / Premium|

Virtu’s Q3 Net Trading Income Was Predictable Before Earnings Release

For wholesale market makers in US equities there appears to be a relationship between Rule 605 data and net trading income from retail order flow. For Virtu Financial, a public company and the closest example to a "pure play" in US equity wholesaling, this relationship could have been estimated before the Q3 2023 earnings release date. In this Feed post, Alphacution shares its analysis for this finding - and why it's not the most important component of this discovery...

By |2023-11-12T23:23:49-05:00November 10th, 2023|Silver / Premium|

The Evolving Value of Edge (Silver and Premium Subscribers)

What is the value of trading edge? Using "revenue per employee" as a comparative indicator, Alphacution dives deeper than ever before into Virtu Financial's market making business. The results cause a dramatic re-ranking of Virtu in a list of 10 market makers - plus a few other fascinating findings...

By |2023-11-12T23:16:47-05:00November 2nd, 2023|Silver / Premium|