Cutler Group Options: Where Small (Share) Is Big (Revenue)
Alphacution leverages rarely disclosed data - in this case, from option market maker, Cutler Group, LP - to estimate the revenue potential of an option market share point...
Alphacution leverages rarely disclosed data - in this case, from option market maker, Cutler Group, LP - to estimate the revenue potential of an option market share point...
Based on new and updated modeling for a group of option market makers - including Group One Trading, Wolverine Trading, and Cutler Group - Alphacution shares new perspective on market share...
“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice.”T. S. Eliot As we were riffing along with our recent Feed post on HAP Trading, I would've sworn than I had already shared a few words on another unique player from the option market making corner of the world, San Francisco-based Cutler Group, LP. Turns out, I had not... With the upcoming publication of a deep-dive case study on Hudson River Trading imminent, Alphacution is going to spend much of the first part of 2021 in option land, cranking out its first multi-player comparative case study on option market makers. So, I don't want to burn too much dry powder here. However, I do want have a standalone post on Cutler in the archives as reference for those who don't yet have access to the case study content... Anyway, in the charts that follow, Alphacution presents a few of its most basic analytics from its modeling of 13F data related to Cutler, with comparison [...]
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change, that lives within the means available and works cooperatively against common threats."Charles Darwin Consider that the capital markets are like an evolving ecosystem wherein the players - from market makers to hedge funds to the largest asset managers, among others - are like various species of creature. Depending on environment conditions and levels of adaptability, some species thrive and some don't... On the extinction front, just today Bloomberg reported that York Capital Management's founder, Jamie Dinan, announced that he would be existing the firm's hedge fund strategies thus joining other high-profile hedge fund exits for the year, including John Paulson of Paulson & Co and Louis Bacon of Moore Capital Management and a growing list of legends and luminaries who have already retreated from the hedge fund business. In parallel, this event strengthens Alphacution's core thesis about the finite capacity of alpha, the [...]
"The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics." - Galileo Galilei As we prepare to turn the page on a new year, and consider what we may want to accomplish during that year, derivatives are on the priority list. Why? Options are important for many reasons from risk management to computational rigor and signal generation. And, if you had been paying close enough attention over the course of this year, you might have noticed that each of our case studies have touched, in one way or another, on options. Now, given that Alphacution is committed to its research providing new pictures to ponder, I wanted to drop the following chart on you with little additional commentary for this go 'round - except to say that the plan right now is to dedicate a full case study to the key players in options trading during 2020. Stay tuned... Until next time...