Alphacution LLC was established to develop a next-generation research platform for securities analysis based on information visualization techniques and the increasing acceptance of universal data standards. A key aim of information visualization research is to discover and develop ways of amplifying human cognition. One way to amplify cognition is to increase the amount of information that can be placed into a user’s attention. We believe that the patent-pending (now patented as of July 2009) design of Alphacution’s main interface – alternatively known as a “catalyst map” – delivers more event related information to the user within a single computer screen than virtually any other commercial financial markets system in existence today. This is made possible primarily through the creative use of symbols, proprietary and commercial taxonomies, layered content, and the leveraging of increasingly pervasive data standards. Additionally, through the adoption of an open and collaborative technical development strategy, Alphacution will eventually serve simultaneously as a portal to a comprehensive suite of complementary services, systems and data stores that further enhance the process of securities analysis. In other words, Alphacution is designed to be a platform with unprecedented information density and unsurpassed drill-down, navigation and exploration capabilities.