Interest Rates

Nigel Tufnel’s Market

In this Feed post, Alphacution brings together a wider-than-usual Overton window of macro-economic and market macro-structure factors to explain an era of extremes - including the "Bitcoin product expansion mania", all-time highs in off-exchange US stock trading, and new evidence for "wag-the-dog" impacts of options - at the beginning of the new Trump 2.0 era...

By |2025-01-21T15:26:55-05:00January 16th, 2025|For Subscribers|

#TBM – Yellen and Me: The Catalyst Behind the Rate Decision

In light of current events, we bring this one back from the Alphacution archives. Welcome to - uh - Throwback Monday? < This is a test. This station is conducting a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is only a test.> I had been in this room before. It was the early post-Dodd Frank days. Maybe February 2012. I had authored a study on the impacts of new regulations on collateral and initial margin requirements for OTC derivatives (OTCDs). The study had been commissioned and was being promoted by the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE). Largely as a result of my global initial margin estimate of US$ 2 trillion for OTCDs, it had made a big splash. On the back of this, the event invites and media came knocking. My friend, John McPartland – “McP” to those who knew him longer than 15 minutes – invited me to present at a monthly luncheon for Chicago financial muckety-mucks. Now, it was good to be back. For this night’s event - [...]

By |2021-01-04T15:40:48-05:00November 23rd, 2020|Open|